Valentine’s Day – The Good, the Bad, and Everything in Between

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Paper hearts scattered on a table.

For some, Valentine’s Day conjures thoughts of roses and chocolates, and for others, it is just a day waiting to disappoint. No one wants to be disappointed, so whether you are celebrating with a significant other or flying solo, it is important to manage your expectations on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day Benefits

There are plenty of benefits to this holiday to outweigh the potential weight gain from chocolate and other sweets. For those in relationships, Valentine’s Day is a reminder to show gratitude to your partner. It is an excuse to celebrate and reflect on your connection. Investing in your relationship pays off both short and long-term.

Valentine’s Day Reality

Remember that unrealistic expectations invariably lead to disappointment. Your partner may not know what you want if you have never expressed it. Try to express what you want in your relationship and also be attentive to what your partner likes and desires. It is better to talk about it as opposed to guessing and getting it wrong or getting hurt feelings. If you feel there has been distance, it is okay to make the first move back toward a connection.

Alone time for a couple is essential. Remember how things were when you first started dating. Flirt with one another, and go out on a date that is different from what you normally do. Leave your phones out of sight and talk like you don’t know each other. Ask questions and rediscover why you were drawn to one another in the first place.

If you are single on Valentine’s Day, know that it is just another day. Cultural influences like Hollywood films and advertising give Valentine’s Day romantic significance beyond the 24 hours that comprises it.

If you have had a painful breakup, consider deleting your ex from your friends and followers lists if notifications still carry weight and might upset you. More positive use of social media is to try to organize a get-together with friends for Valentine’s Day, especially if you do not want to spend it alone.

Recognize that being single is not the worst thing in the world. In fact, not every couple is happy or enjoying Valentine’s Day. Do something you enjoy, relax, and be grateful for your current, peaceful solitude. Treat yourself to tasty food, a movie, a great book, or anything else that might make you happy.

How to Have the Best Valentine’s Day

Doing nice things for others boosts happiness. Consider giving small gifts or even sending messages to the people you love. Be grateful for those people. Love comes in many forms, and we need to appreciate all of the love, not just the romantic kind. Valentine’s Day is a good day to be thankful and spread all the love you can.

Happiness in life is greatly determined by the quality of our relationships. If you are having difficulty with relationships in your life, talking to a counselor can bring clarity. Contact the Jacksonville Center for Counseling if you would like to talk about how to improve your relationships.