The Dangers of Procrastination and How to Break the Habit

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Waiting until the last minute to complete a task is a tense, anxiety-inducing race against time. If you are one of the many procrastinators out there, you have probably sighed when barely meeting a deadline and promised yourself not to wait until the last minute ever again.

However, procrastination all too often becomes a pattern, albeit a perplexing pattern. Why do we do something that makes a task more difficult and makes us worry?

Why We Wait

Instead of completing a task right away, some of us choose to delay. The reason is sometimes very simple. We would rather be doing something else, so we do. We keep doing something else, something either more enjoyable, more distracting, or more immediate, until that deadline swiftly approaches and anxiety finally sets us in motion.

However, the answer may be a bit more complicated. If you aren’t sure why you are holding off on doing something you either need or want to do, ask yourself what you think will happen, before you do it, while you do it, and after you complete it. You may be telling yourself a negative tale internally without being fully aware you are doing so.

Your unintentional self-sabotage may be underlying and a result of a lack of self-confidence or you may be inventing a story in your mind that isn’t an accurate representation of the situation. It can help to get another perspective by talking to someone. You may find someone else’s perspective can change your mind, and in doing so, change your attitude about whatever you have been procrastinating on.

The Price of Procrastination

Anxiety is a powerful motivator, but it brings stress, which can negatively affect your physical and mental health. When you fail to do things in a timely fashion, the anxiety you experience can usher in feelings of depression and low self-esteem. There is also the risk that sooner or later, even the most experienced procrastinators eventually fail to meet obligations.

Even though you know you will feel better once you get things finished, if you consistently procrastinate, it can be difficult to break the cycle. Distractions are also abundant in this time of great connectivity. You might feel distracted, lost, overwhelmed, and not know how to begin.

Man Sleeping at His Desk

The Elimination of Procrastination

How can we stop waiting until the last minute to start? The key to triumphing over procrastination is to take control and start small. Identify the goal. Write it down then break it down. Create a framework of manageable pieces you can tackle one at a time. Focus on one at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Reward yourself for finishing the small pieces of tasks. Feel the satisfaction of watching yourself make progress. Take a break, chat with a friend, or enjoy a snack.

If you are still having difficulty, you may need to change your workspace or your headspace. Clean and organize your work area. A messy, cluttered area can inhibit your work.

Since our worlds are full of distractions, take an honest look at yourself and how susceptible you are to distractions. Are you looking at text messages, emails, or social media while you should be devoting your time to completing your tasks? If so, you need to remove the distractions. Silence your phone and place it out of sight for brief periods while you work. Try doing it for a bit longer each time. You may find your work improves when you devote your full attention.

If you still feel overwhelmed, try making the individual tasks even smaller. Cut them into bite-sized pieces, so they are easier to accomplish. Make lists and check or cross off each tiny task. It feels good to get things done, even if you are doing small things. One step at a time leads to the finish line.

Sometimes we simply can’t do it on our own. It helps to talk to someone who can keep you on track and hold you accountable. Someone else may even have further insight due to having a different perspective. If you don’t know someone who can handle that important job, a counselor or therapist can help guide you in the right direction and assist you in overcoming bad habits.

It’s Not Too Late

Making these small changes can change your life. Once you tackle your procrastination situation, you will have a better relationship with work, life, and time. One small step in the right direction is often a giant leap that can lead to improvement in all areas of your life.

If you find it difficult to complete tasks or reach your goals, it can help to talk about it with an experienced counselor who can listen without judgment and give you tools to tackle whatever is holding you back from reaching your full potential.

The counselors at Jacksonville Center for Counseling in Jacksonville, Florida, and the surrounding areas are here to help. Contact us if you would like to meet with one of our therapists in a comfortable and safe setting, so we can work with you to get you closer to where you want to be.